Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ Bezalel ’

Start der EUDC 2016 in Warschau

Start der EUDC 2016 in WarschauVon heute bis kommenden Samstag (14.-20.08.) findet in Warschau die European University Debating Championship (EUDC) 2016 statt. Es ist nach der Weltmeisterschaft das größte Debattierturnier der Welt und wird in diesem Jahr von der Foundation Poland Debates (Fundacja Polska Debatuje), dem University of Warsaw Debate Club (Klub Debat) und dem Warsaw School of Economics Debate Club (SKN KLUB DEBAT SGH) organisiert. Der Zeitplan beinhaltet neun Vorrunden, sowie Auscheidungsrunden in den zwei Sprachkategorien "Open" und "English as a Second Language (ESL)". Wie üblich stehen auch einige Partys, offizielle Abendessen und ein Treffen des EUDC-Council auf dem Programm. Das leitende Jurorenteam besteht neben ...
14. August 2016 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Leiden gewinnt das Berlin IV 2016

Leiden gewinnt das Berlin IV 2016[caption id="attachment_29403" align="alignright" width="238"] Das Leidener Siegerteam Gigi Gil (oben) und Emma Lucas (unten) - ©Matthias Carcasona[/caption] Das Team The peoples Leiden E (Emma Lucas und Gigi Gil) hat das Finale des vom 8.-10. Juli stattfindenden Berlin IV gewonnen. Als Eröffnende Opposition konnte es sich gegen die Teams Neno Berlan (Ilija Ivanišević, Nevenka Radic) in der Eröffnenden Regierung, Oxford PT (Teck Wei Tan, Tommy Peto) in der Schließenden Regierung und PEP A (Raffy Marshall, Michael Dunn Goekjian) in der Schließenden Opposition durchsetzen. Das Thema lautete "This house would raise their child to prefer being single". Unter den insgesamt 52 teilnehmenden Teams waren aus ...
12. Juli 2016 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Leiden gewinnt das Berlin IV 2016

Debating about Europe: The public debate and final of the 2nd European Debates Conference in Cologne

Debating about Europe: The public debate and final of the 2nd European Debates Conference in CologneAs a prominent part of the thematic focus on Europe, the VDCH – Association of German Speaking University Debating Societies – and two member clubs organized two “European Debates Conferences”. They aim to bring the participants of the other projects and many other debating societies together to jointly debate about controversial political, economic and societal issues. The participants are not only improving their knowledge about Europe and their rhetorical and argumentative skills. They also get to know students from up to 11 other countries and learn about the differences and similarities in their points of view on common challenges. [caption id="attachment_25351" ...
12. November 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere, VDCH | Kommentare deaktiviert für Debating about Europe: The public debate and final of the 2nd European Debates Conference in Cologne

Thinking European: The 2nd European Debates Conference in Cologne

Thinking European: The 2nd European Debates Conference in CologneIn the year of the European Elections, the Association of German Speaking University Debating Societies (VDCH) chose to make Europe the main focus of its work. For that purpose, it participates in conducting 22 public “European Debates” in 7 countries, to invite students and the broad public to actively take part in debates concerning the most important subjects of European policy. Also, this years’ German-Speaking University Debating Championship was held under the motto “Speaking German – Thinking European” and hosted participants from many other European countries. As a prominent part of the thematic focus on Europe, the VDCH and two member ...
7. November 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere, VDCH | Kommentare deaktiviert für Thinking European: The 2nd European Debates Conference in Cologne

Tilbury House IV 2014 – 2nd European Debates Conference

Tilbury House IV 2014 - 2nd European Debates ConferenceFrom the 7th to the 9th November, the annual Tilbury House IV will take place in Cologne, Germany. The event will combine the debate tournament with the 2nd European Debates Conference. There will therefore be a public debate with politicians on an European issue. The tournament features five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches and a break to the semi-finals. Chief Adjudicators (CAs) of the tournament will be Yael Bezalel, former finalist of the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) in the category English as a Second Language (ESL) and judge of the EUDC ESL final 2014; and Pete Doughton, octo-final ...
12. September 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Tilbury House IV 2014 – 2nd European Debates Conference

EUDC 2014 – Break to the Finals

EUDC 2014 - Break to the FinalsThe break to the finals at the European Universities Debating Championship 2014 has been announced. In the ESL category, Berlin A, Lund A, Belgrade B and BBU A made it through the semi-finals with the motion "This house believes that leaders of minority religions in Europe should strongly encourage their congregations to refrain from public displays of their faith". In the Open break, Oxford A, Sheffield A, Nottingham A, and Edinburgh A won the semi-finals with the motion "THBT the US should invade and forceably partition Iraq". Semi-finals of the Zagreb EUDC In the Open semi-final 1, the following teams competed: OG: Edinburgh A OO: ...
23. August 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für EUDC 2014 – Break to the Finals

Zagreb EUDC 2014 – Open and ESL break

Zagreb EUDC 2014 - Open and ESL breakThe break of the European Universities Debating Championship 2014 in Zagreb has been announced. The following teams will compete in the out-rounds on the 22nd of August (data might be inaccurate): Open Break 23: Cambridge C 22: Oxford B 21: Cambridge B 21: Oxford A 21: GUU A 20: Cambridge A 20: Oxford C 19: Edinburgh A 19: LSE A 19: Sheffield A 19: Durham B 19: KCL A 19: Hebrew A 19: Nottingham A 19: Durham C 18: BPP A ESL Break 19: Hebrew A 18; Belgrade B 18: Lund A 18: Tartu A 18: Berlin A 17: Tel Aviv B 17: Leiden A 17: Bucharest A 17: BBU A 17: Tilbury House A 17: Mannheim A 17: ELTE A 17 BGU A 16: Belgrade A 16: Tel Aviv A 16: tie of ...
22. August 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 3 Kommentaren

Feedback zu den DCA-Bewerbern der EUDC in Wien 2015

Feedback zu den DCA-Bewerbern der EUDC in Wien 2015Christine Simpson und Michael Shapira, Chefjuroren der European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) 2015 in Wien, haben die Liste aller Kandidaten für den Posten eines Deputy Chief Adjudicator (DCA) bei den Euros veröffentlicht. Der ausrichtende Debattierklub (DK) Wien hatte am vergangenen Wochenende auch auf der ZEIT DEBATTE dafür geworben, dass Kandidaten aus dem VDCH*-Land nominiert werden. Unter den Kandidaten ist zwar der aus Deutschland stammende Peer Klüßendorf, Europameister 2013 in der Kategorie English as a Second Language (ESL). Da er allerdings in Lund, Schweden, debattiert, gibt es keine Kandidaten aus dem VDCH-Land. Von den folgenden Debattierern werden nach einer Feedbackphase, in ...
4. April 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Feedback zu den DCA-Bewerbern der EUDC in Wien 2015

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