Die USA gewinnen den OPD World Cup
Im Finale des OPD World Cup 2024, der am 15. und 16. Juni ausgetragen wurde, setzte sich die Regierung aus den USA Call me Sahra Wagenknecht the way I’m pivoting away from the Linke Kategorien 🇺🇸 (Felix Reischl, Braedon Lehman, Samuel Scheuer) gegen die Opposition BP with a third wheel 🇩🇰 aus Dänemark (Emma Hansen, Christoph T., Hannah Bilgenroth) durch.

Das Siegerteam, welches für die USA angetreten ist: Felix Reischl, Braedon Lehman, Samuel Scheuer (v.l.n.r.)
Die Debatte zum Thema: „Should we oppose the narrative that authenticity is necessary for art to be meaningful?“ wurde komplettiert durch die Fraktionsfreien Rednerinnen Mona Mezhoud, Julia Rühringer und Alena Haub. Die Jury bestand aus Jan-Gunther Gosselke (Chair), Bjarne Roggenbuck und Gabriel Ionescu.
Als beste Finalredner wurden Samuel Scheuer und Braedon Lehman punktgleich von der Finaljury ausgezeichnet. Für besondere Jurierleistungen wurde ein Preis an Jan-Gunther Gosselke vergeben. Ein Nachwuchsjurierpreis ging an Gabriel Ionescu.
Das Turnier wurde vom Debattierclub Aachen ausgerichtet. Hauptorganisatoren waren Jonathan Krapp und Joey Budnick. Für den sportlichen Teil verantwortlich war die Chefjury, bestehend aus Konstantin Krüger, Paula Breyer und Justus Raimann. Unterstützt wurden sei dabei von dem Tabteam aus Josef Hoppe und Samantha.
Teambreak (Gesamtpunkte nach 4 Vorrunden)
1. Call me Sahra Wagenknecht the way I’m pivoting away from the Linke Kategorien 🇺🇸 (Felix Reischl, Braedon Lehman, Samuel Scheuer) – 994
2. BP with a third wheel 🇩🇰 (Emma Hansen, Christoph T., Hannah Bilgenroth) – 937,5
3. Too cute to dispute 🇩🇪 (Ronja Schneider, Claire Lindsey, Alena Haub) – 923,5
4. Dramatic pauses and pathetic clauses 🇩🇪 (Fabian Thiel, Merle Rolf, Julia Rühringer ) – 898,5
Sören Bürkle, Mona Mezhoud, Katrin Müller-Lund, Jonathan Solbach, Roberto Cadena, Arvid Baier.
Bjarne Roggenbuck, Gabriel Ionescu, Inga Peters, Jan-Gunther Gosselke, Justus Raimann, Konstantin Krüger, Mridul Khanna, Paula Breyer, Theodor Everly Röhrkasten.
RednerInnen Top 10 (durchschnittliche Punktzahl nach Vorrunden)
1. Braedon Lehman (59)
2. Emma Hansen (56,375)
3. Samuel Scheuer (55,875)
4. Christoph T. (54,125)
5. Mona Mezhoud (53,875)
6. Julia Rühringer (53,25)
7. Alena Haub (53,125)
8. Felix Reischl (52)
9. Sören Bürkle (51,375)
10. Claire Lindsey (50,75)
Die Themen des Turniers im Überblick:
VR1: Typical red-flags people apply in dating include but are not limited to: having a specific zodiac sign, bad relationship with one’s family, extreme emotional reactions, bad table manners, having a mullet, mansplaining, being “unpolitical”, and possessive behaviour.
Does the prevalence of red flag culture in dating do more harm than good?
VR2: The first movements to improve women’s rights in the United Kingdom formed in the 1850s, but were not very widespread until the end of the 19th century. While women’s legal standing did improve in this time, they did not yet have the right to vote, and were generally seen as citizens of second class compared to men. The ideal of the Victorian woman was that of a chaste, quiet and obedient wife. Public life was dominated by men. With the turn of the century, more and more women from all classes were beginning to call the traditional roles of women into question and started to demand suffrage (the right to vote). For this, several forms of protest, often loud and conspicuous, would be used, including demonstrations and disruptive behavior. In rare instances, violence was used as a tool of protest.
Would it have been in the interest of the British suffragette movement to adopt violence as a tool of protest?
VR3: Nigeria is one of Africa’s largest economies. In the last decades, the economy has been predominantly based on large oil reserves. Besides oil sales, the largest source of foreign capital going into Nigeria are remittances sent home by Nigerians living abroad. Nigeria leads the continent regarding its financial market, pharmaceuticals and the entertainment industry. Also, there is a large supply of natural resources, the mining of which is only beginning. Besides oil and gas, those especially include: coal, bauxite, tantalite, gold, tin, iron ore, limestone, niobium and zinc. Nigeria currently faces sectarian militant groups, e.g. Boko Haram and rebels in the Niger Delta who have also conducted attacks and have seized certain oil fields in the past. A focus of governmental action on the mining of natural resources typically includes: infrastructure investments in industrial railway lines, ports, pipelines; attracting foreign investors for mining; focus on the industrial sector; and export. A focus of governmental action on the service sector typically includes: attracting foreign investors in the financial sector, expansion of the financial sector; focus on strengthening the internal market and consumption within the country; and tourism.
Is it in the interest of Nigeria when developing its economy to focus on the service sector rather than the mining of natural resources?
VR4: Sharenting includes parents posting photos or videos of their children on the internet or social media. It does not include posting photos for official purposes (e.g. a police search) or e.g. schools posting class photos on their websites.
Should we ban sharenting?
HF: A league-based system in sports is a form of competition that is conducted round-robin style. Every team plays every other team at least once, typically twice. The team that gathers the most points wins the competition. Examples include the Bundesliga or the Premier League in football. In a play-off based system in sports there is a more limited number of league fixtures. The champion of the league is then typically decided in a single-elimination system, where teams (e.g. the Top 8 or 16) knock each other out of the competition. Examples include the Major League Soccer (US), most basketball leagues, or the NFL (American football).
Are play-off based competitions preferable to league based systems for professional sports?
F: “Authentic art” for the purposes of this debate is art that depicts experiences the artist has had in real life. This can include personal suffering that is interpreted artistically, or a cultural background that becomes the basis of artistic expression. Art in this context for example includes literature, music, and painting.
Should we oppose the narrative that authenticity is necessary for art to be meaningful?
Maybe it’s just me, aber ich habe den starken Eindruck, dass beide Teams überwiegend Deutschland repräsentieren würden.