Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ Shapira ’

EUDC 2016: Die Ergebnisse

EUDC 2016: Die ErgebnisseDie EUDC 2016 in Warschau ist vorüber und die Ergebnisse stehen fest: ESL-Finale EPL-Finale VDCH-Teams & -Juroren ESL-Finale [caption id="attachment_29710" align="alignright" width="344"] Blick auf Warschau - © Lennart Lokstein[/caption] Sieger des ESL-Finales ist das Team Tel Aviv A (Dan Lahav, Ayal Hayut-man) aus der Schließenden Regierung gegen die Teams Tel Aviv C (Tom Manor, Noam Dahan) in der Eröffnenden Regierung, Leiden D (Lisa Schallenberg, Simon Martina-Perez) in der Eröffnenden Opposition und Leiden A (Floris Holstege, Emma Lucas) in der Schließenden Opposition. Thema dieses Finales war "This house believes that western states should support breakaway regions in former Sovjet states (e.g. East Ukraine l South Ossetia) joining the Russian federation ...
25. August 2016 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

„I took the first step“: Interview with Worlds Tab Master Jakob Reiter

"I took the first step": Interview with Worlds Tab Master Jakob Reiter  Worlds are over, but some questions remain. Why was there a delay during the preliminary rounds every day? Did Tabbie2 malfunction at any time? Or were the adjudicator scores lost? Worlds Tab Master Jakob Reiter from DK Wien talked to Achte Minute about tabbing the biggest international tournament, his software Tabbie2, and other technical details. Achte Minute: Dear Jakob, you were one of the Tab Masters at the World University Debating Championships in Thessaloniki. How do you feel after this tournament? Jakob: I am really happy I had the opportunity to be the Tab Master. It is always a great challenge to ...
13. Januar 2016 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature | Kommentare deaktiviert für „I took the first step“: Interview with Worlds Tab Master Jakob Reiter

Tilbury House IV

Tilbury House IVDer Kölner Debattierclub Tilbury House lädt vom 6. bis 8. November 2015 Clubs aus aller Welt zum alljährlichen Tilbury House IV ein. In fünf Vorrunden, einen Halb- und einem Finale werden sich die Teams messen können. Das englischsprachige Turnier wird chefjuriert von Michael Shapira und Rebecca Irvine. Alle Informationen finden sich auch im Facebook-Event zum Turnier. Alle Informationen in Kürze: Ausrichter: Tilbury HouseDatum: 6. bis 8. November 2015Format: British Parliamentary StyleSprache: EnglischChefjuroren: Michael Shapira, Rebecca IrvineTeilnahmebeitrag: 45,00 Euro p.P.Teamcap: 32 TeamsAustragungsort: Universität zu KölnRunden: Fünf Vorrunden, Halbfinale, FinaleUnterbringung: Hostels (A&O und Meininger)Jurorenregelung: N - 1ama – zuletzt aktualisiert am 10.09.2015, 12.00 Uhr 
10. September 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Training, Führung und Bewusstsein – Julian Vaterrodt und Jonas Linck über die Jurorenausbildung

Training, Führung und Bewusstsein - Julian Vaterrodt und Jonas Linck über die JurorenausbildungStellen wir uns die Frage, woraus eine Debatte besteht, so kommen wir meist zu dem Ergebnis, dass sie aus acht oder neun Leuten zusammengesetzt ist. Diese Debatte zu führen ist tatsächlich möglich, jedoch wird dabei vergessen, dass auf diese Weise niemals ein Sieger bestimmt werden kann. Keiner wird bekannt geben, welche Probleme die Debatte hatte, was die Redner verbessern könnten oder wie sie sich im Vergleich zur letzten Debatte verbessert haben.Wir glauben, dass hier das internationale Verständnis -  das des sogenannten Judge - auch in Deutschland Einzug halten sollte.[caption id="attachment_24874" align="alignright" width="400"] Matthias Morrkopf (l.) und Julian Vaterrodt im Halbfinale ...
10. Juni 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Jurieren, Mittwochs-Feature | mit 8 Kommentaren

European Universities Debating Championships in Vienna

European Universities Debating Championships in ViennaThis summer, about 1000 people will travel to Vienna for the 17th European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros). The Debattierklub Wien (DK Wien) hosts the week-long tournament. Stefan Zweiker is the convener, overseeing 23 other members of the organising committee and international volunteers.One year after and 267 kilometres to the north of Zagreb EUDC, the championship is again up for grabs. Until then, Sheffield holds the title; in the category of English as a Second Language (ESL), the current champions are from Belgrade.The Blue Danube Euros, as the organisers call them, will last from August 2-8.The Chief Adjudicators (CAs) ...
9. Juni 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für European Universities Debating Championships in Vienna

Copenhagen Open 2015

Copenhagen Open 2015The CBS Debating Society announced the second Copenhagen Open. The tournament takes place from the 27th to the 29th of March 2015 and will provide five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches and a break to semifinals. The detailed schedule is available at the Facebook-Event.There are going to be two Chief Adjudicators (CAs) and two Deputy Chief Adjudicators (DCAs):CA Dessislava Kirova, who served as DCA at Manchester European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) 2013, Co-CA of the Pan-African University Debating Championship in Limpopo 2014 and is an English as a Second Language (ESL) Finalist of the Zagreb EUDC 2014, Finalist of ...
10. Februar 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Copenhagen Open 2015

Vienna EUDC 2015: Call for international volunteers

Vienna EUDC 2015: Call for international volunteersThe Organising Committee (OrgCom) of the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros) 2015 in Vienna published their call for international volunteers. Everyone can apply to support the existing crew and be part of the this year's EUDC.Stage one of the application process consists in reading the International Crew Recruitment Guideline and filling out the International Crew Recruitment Survey. In stage two beginning in mid-April, the OrgCom will contact the applicants if they have questions or need their expertise and knowledge. Stage three is the tournament itself.Everyone can apply for being an international volunteer - the OrgCom emphasizes that age, ...
26. Januar 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Ausschreibung, International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Vienna EUDC 2015: Call for international volunteers

EUDC 2014 – Die Ergebnisse des European Council

EUDC 2014 - Die Ergebnisse des European CouncilDer Council der European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC, Euros) bestimmt jedes Jahr, wo die übernächste EUDC ausgerichtet werden wird. Am Samstag, dem 23.08., dem letzten Tag der EUDC 2014 in Zagreb, entschied sich der Council für Warschau als Austragungsort der EUDC 2016. Neben der Vergabe der zukünftigen Euros und trifft das Gremium jedoch auch andere Entscheidungen, die die Europäischen Debattiermeisterschaften als Ganzes betreffen. Achte Minute-Korrespondent Nikos Bosse hat die deutsche Repräsentantin Teresa Widlok zum Council-Meeting begleitet und fasst die Ereignisse zusammen. Etwa fünfzig Debattierer aus ganz Europa saßen im Council zusammen, um sich zu beraten und Entscheidungen für das europäische ...
29. August 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 4 Kommentaren

EUDC 2014 – Break to the Finals

EUDC 2014 - Break to the FinalsThe break to the finals at the European Universities Debating Championship 2014 has been announced. In the ESL category, Berlin A, Lund A, Belgrade B and BBU A made it through the semi-finals with the motion "This house believes that leaders of minority religions in Europe should strongly encourage their congregations to refrain from public displays of their faith". In the Open break, Oxford A, Sheffield A, Nottingham A, and Edinburgh A won the semi-finals with the motion "THBT the US should invade and forceably partition Iraq". Semi-finals of the Zagreb EUDC In the Open semi-final 1, the following teams competed: OG: Edinburgh A OO: ...
23. August 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für EUDC 2014 – Break to the Finals

Zagreb EUDC 2014 – Open and ESL break

Zagreb EUDC 2014 - Open and ESL breakThe break of the European Universities Debating Championship 2014 in Zagreb has been announced. The following teams will compete in the out-rounds on the 22nd of August (data might be inaccurate): Open Break 23: Cambridge C 22: Oxford B 21: Cambridge B 21: Oxford A 21: GUU A 20: Cambridge A 20: Oxford C 19: Edinburgh A 19: LSE A 19: Sheffield A 19: Durham B 19: KCL A 19: Hebrew A 19: Nottingham A 19: Durham C 18: BPP A ESL Break 19: Hebrew A 18; Belgrade B 18: Lund A 18: Tartu A 18: Berlin A 17: Tel Aviv B 17: Leiden A 17: Bucharest A 17: BBU A 17: Tilbury House A 17: Mannheim A 17: ELTE A 17 BGU A 16: Belgrade A 16: Tel Aviv A 16: tie of ...
22. August 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 3 Kommentaren

Cambridge IV 2014

Cambridge IV 2014The Cambridge IV 2014 will take place on the 21st and 22nd November in Cambridge, England. The tournament features five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches, quarter finals, semi finals, and a final, as well as semi finals and a final for teams in the category English as a Second Language (ESL). It will start at 3 o'clock on Friday with team registration and will end with a Black Tie Social on Saturday night. On Sunday, the first Cambridge Women's Open 2014 will take place. Chief Adjudicators (CAs) of the tournament will be Madeline Schultz, Deputy Chief Adjudicator (DCA) of the World Universities ...
1. August 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Cambridge IV 2014

Tel Aviv wins BBU Open 2014

Michael Saliba (l.) and Peer Klüßendorf in the BBU Final (c) BBU DSYael Bell and Dan Lahav have won the first BBU Open that took place from the 11th to the 13th July 2014 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The team from Tel Aviv won from Closing Opposition in a debate with the motion: You are a scientist. You have discovered absolute conclusive proof that God does not exist. This house would destroy the information. [caption id="attachment_23996" align="alignleft" width="320"] Yael Bell and Dan Lahav(c) BBU DS[/caption] In Opening Government, Belgrade with Helena Ivanov and Stefan Siridžansky competed against Lund with Michael Saliba and Peer Klüßendorf in Opening Opposition and a Mixed team with Georgiana Mihut and AJ ...
15. Juli 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Tel Aviv wins BBU Open 2014

DCAs for Vienna EUDC 2015 announced

DCAs for Vienna EUDC 2015 announcedThe Adjudication team of the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC) 2015 in Vienna, Austria, is now complete as the hosts have released the names of the three deputy chief adjudicators. Gavin Illsley, Emilia Carlqvist and Amanda Moorghen will join the Chief Adjudicators (CAs) Christine Simpson and Michael Shapira. Together, the five will set the motions for the tournament, set up the judging panels and select independent adjudicator for Euros. Gavin Illsley has won Euros in 2006 and has judged two finals of the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC). Emilia Carlqvist has won Euros 2013 in Manchester in the category English ...
26. Mai 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für DCAs for Vienna EUDC 2015 announced

Athens Open

Athens OpenFrom August 29th to August 31st, the third Athens Open will be hosted by the Deree College Debating Club. The tournament takes place merely one week after the European Universities Debating Championship in Zagreb and welcomes all debaters who want to extend their holiday stay in the South East of Europe. The Athens Open will be held in British Parliamentary Style and features 5 preliminary rounds with 7 minute speeches, Semi-Finals and a Final. Chief Adjudicators (CAs) will be Christine Simpson, CA of Zagreb EUDC 2014, and Michael Shapira, CA of Vienna EUDC 2015. Registration is open. Registration Fee is 60 Euros ...
26. Mai 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Athens Open

SSE Riga Debate Academy 2014

SSE Riga Debate Academy 2014From May 30th to June 1st, the SSE Riga Debate Society and the non-governmental organisation QUO tu domā? will host the third Debate Academy. The Debate Academy aims at debaters from different countries who want to learn more about debating and improve their skills. It consists of seven workshops given in four rooms simultaneously to account for different levels of debating proficiency of the participants. Afterwards, a tournament with four rounds and a final will be organsised so that the debaters can apply what they have learned. The trainers for the workshops will be Michael Shapira, Chief Adjudicator (CA) of the ...
30. April 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für SSE Riga Debate Academy 2014

Lund’s Emilia Carlqvist and Peer Klüßendorf win the Berlin IV

Lund’s Emilia Carlqvist and Peer Klüßendorf win the Berlin IVThe Berlin IV – European Debates Conference 2014 has its winners: Emilia Carlqvist and Peer Klüßendorf from Lund Debate Society won the final in a three-to-two split decision. Peer and Emilia debated in Opening Government as the team "Dixendorf". The motion of the final read: "This House believes that the EU should force member states to adopt socially progressive legislation (e. g. same-sex marriage, abortion rights, ethnic and religious minority rights)." [caption id="attachment_22745" align="alignleft" width="266"] Emilia and Peer (c) Matthias Carcasona[/caption] "REC Truth Department", another team from Sweden consisting of Olivia Sundberg and Martin Devenney, spoke in Closing Government, while the Opposition ...
13. April 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Feedback zu den DCA-Bewerbern der EUDC in Wien 2015

Feedback zu den DCA-Bewerbern der EUDC in Wien 2015Christine Simpson und Michael Shapira, Chefjuroren der European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) 2015 in Wien, haben die Liste aller Kandidaten für den Posten eines Deputy Chief Adjudicator (DCA) bei den Euros veröffentlicht. Der ausrichtende Debattierklub (DK) Wien hatte am vergangenen Wochenende auch auf der ZEIT DEBATTE dafür geworben, dass Kandidaten aus dem VDCH*-Land nominiert werden. Unter den Kandidaten ist zwar der aus Deutschland stammende Peer Klüßendorf, Europameister 2013 in der Kategorie English as a Second Language (ESL). Da er allerdings in Lund, Schweden, debattiert, gibt es keine Kandidaten aus dem VDCH-Land. Von den folgenden Debattierern werden nach einer Feedbackphase, in ...
4. April 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Feedback zu den DCA-Bewerbern der EUDC in Wien 2015

BBU Open 2014

BBU Open 2014From July 11th to July 13th the BBU Open will take place in Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg) in Transylvania, Romania. To give a first taste of the city and the tournament, the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) Debate Society published this video on their website: The tournament features 5 preliminary rounds, semi-finals and a final. The Chief Adjudication team comprises of Anser Aftab (WUDC grand finalist 2011 and EUDC champion 2013), Fred Cowell (best speaker at EUDC 2010 and twice WUDC grand final judge), Karin Merckens (ESL grand finalist at WUDC 2013), Michael Shapira (future CA of the EUDC 2015), Milan Vignjevic (future CA of ...
24. März 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für BBU Open 2014

Split Open 2014

Split Open 2014From Augst 15th to August 17th 2014, the Splitska Debatna Unija will host the Split Open 2014 in Split, Croatia. The city, founded in 300 A.D., is the second biggest city in Croatia and is situated directly on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The hosts promise beach parties and historical venues for everyone not only interested in debating. 3,5 hours by car from Zagreb, the Split Open is also designed as a preparatory tournament in the run up to Zagreb EUDC 2014. With the Ljubljana IV taking place at the same time, debaters now have a choice of tournaments ...
20. März 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Split Open 2014

Red Sea Open 2014

Red Sea Open 2014From the 14th to the 18th of September 2014, the Red Sea Open 2014 (RSO) will once again take place in Eilat in the south of Israel. This tournament invites debaters to combine high-level debating with a relaxing holiday trip. In the last years, participants were accommodated in an all-inclusive hotel in vicinity of the beach. Apart from that, the RSO features workshops offered by experienced debaters covering debate theory as well as various topics relevant to debating. The tournament itself will have 6 preliminary rounds, semi-finals and a final. The Chief Adjudicator will be Anat Shapira from Israel, who was CA ...
6. März 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Nomination process for EUDC Vienna 2015 DCAs started

Nomination process for EUDC Vienna 2015 DCAs startedThe Debattierklub Wien (DK Wien) has opened an online nomination process for Deputy Chief Adjudicators (DCAs) for the European University Debating Championship (EUDC) 2015 in Vienna. From now on, every debater can nominate somebody he deems suitable to be part of the Chief Adjudicator team for the EUDC using this online form. However, as the Chief Adjudicators Christine Simpson and Michael Shapira emphasise, a nomination neither is necessary nor sufficient to be selected as DCA. The nomination process serves the only purpose of calling attention to apt candidates who do not apply on their own. The actual application process starts on ...
26. Februar 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Jurieren | Kommentare deaktiviert für Nomination process for EUDC Vienna 2015 DCAs started

Chennai Worlds 2014 – Preliminary Briefing

Chennai Worlds 2014 - Preliminary BriefingIn 2014 the World University Debating Championship will take place in Chennai. This week, the adjudication team, consisting in Harish Natajaran, Michael Baer, Ely Zosa, Michael Shapira, Fiona Prowse and Steven Whittington, published a Preliminary Briefing for the participants. You can find the original text here: As many individuals and institutions begin preparing for WUDC over the coming months, the Chennai Worlds Adjudication Team thought it would be helpful to provide some guidance on policies that we will be adopting. The vast majority of this year’s briefings (including much of what follows) will match last year’s briefings in Berlin. We want to ...
4. November 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Chennai Worlds 2014 – Preliminary Briefing

Mannheim wins EBS Open

Last weekend, the first EBS Open organized by Bhavesh Agarval took place in Wiesbaden. There were only 16 teams due to the fact that a lot of teams canceled only a few days before the tournament. However, all participants were happy with the small EBS Open! Chief Adjudicators were Marietta Gädeke and Michael Shapira. Motions: R1: THW make EU voting compulsory. R2: You are a 19 year old boy who just finished his Abitur. As this boy, THW join the Bundeswehr (an infoslide was provided). R3: THW ban private Universities. R4: THW grant all Ethnic Germans a full Right of Return (an infoslide was provided as ...
16. Oktober 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Mannheim wins EBS Open

Eilat: A Debate Holiday Resort and Future EUDC Venue?

Between September 8 and 11 2013 BGU carried out the Red Sea Open for the fourth time. Convened by Mor Zoran and Noa Golan hyper-funded by the Ben Gurion University the rounds took place on the Eilat Campus of BGU. 32 teams, an outstanding Chief Adjudication team and an all round board combined an intimate debate atmosphere with a party holiday mood.  And the debate community has a new contender that wants to host EUDC 2016. Eilat, a rather Unconventional Debate Scenery From around a dozen tournaments yearly generated on the Israeli circuit the Red Sea Open is the only one truly ...
20. September 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Eilat: A Debate Holiday Resort and Future EUDC Venue?

EBS Open 2013

EBS Open 2013Der Debattierclub der European Business School (EBS), EBS Communicate, lädt zum ersten EBS-Open ein. Die EBS Open 2013 werden vom 11. Oktober bis 13. Okober 2013 auf Englisch und in BPS ausgetragen. Das Team-Cap steht bei 36 Teams, mit maximal 3 Teams pro Universität/Institution, mit einer n-1 Regel für Juroren, mehr Juroren sind immer willkommen. Teilnahmegebühr sind 15€ pro Teilnehmer inklusive aller Mahlzeiten, der Socials und eines Workshops. Vier Vorrunden sind geplant mit Break ins Halbfinale. Als CAs werden Michael Shapira aus Israel und Marietta Gädeke für die Themen verantwortlich sein. Teams können sich hier anmelden, Juroren finden das Anmeldeformular hier. Der Club hat zum EBS ...
25. August 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

„How do you assess a speaker who has not taken any points of information?“ by Shengwu Li

"How do you assess a speaker who has not taken any points of information?" by Shengwu LiThe CA team at EUDC Manchester has introduced changes to the way POIs are treated; in particular, they have introduced a compulsory POI requirement, and have asked judges to more stringently enforce the allowance for 15 seconds of speaking time during a POI. Michael Shapira wrote a constructive criticism about those new rules. Now Shengwu Li, writing on behalf of the CA team, explains the thought process behind these rulings. He says that they were happy and thankful for the lively debate on this important issue, but he feels, that there need to be some clarifications as to theire reasons ...
11. August 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 4 Kommentaren

„Some thoughts on the introduction of the new POI rules in European Debating“ by Michael Shapira

"Some thoughts on the introduction of the new POI rules in European Debating" by Michael ShapiraThe recent briefing and later clarification released by the adjudication core of the upcoming EUDC Manchester 2013 has included some changes in the way we are to treat Points of Information (POI). These changes consist of two major elements. The first is, that being allowed to offer a POI has changed to become 15 seconds of "protected time", in which the POI giver may do as he or she pleases. The second change is an introduction of a "Mandatory POI" under which a speaker must take a POI during their speech. Failing to do so, the speaker is then required ...
8. August 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Red Sea Open 2013

Red Sea Open 2013The Org Com of the Red Sea Open 2013 has opend the registration for the tournament. The fourth installment of this tournament comes with "Alcohol that flows like a river, Sun that leaves you slightly toasted, An amazing adjudication team, and Debaters from all over the world" and will, according to sources, offer "5 days of Pure Enjoyment!". Teams and judges can register here for the tournament that will will be held in Eilat, Israel from September 9th-September - 12th 2013. Michael Shapira will serve as CA, Harish Natatajan, Pam Cohn and Monica Forman are going to be his DCAs. For more information like the Facebook-Event. fpu/ ak
9. Juli 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Red Sea Open 2013

„Are you willing to sacrifice the lamb?” Michael Shapira talks strategy with DCJG

"Are you willing to sacrifice the lamb?” Michael Shapira talks strategy with DCJGHow do you convince Gustav the Buffoon from Bavaria that you’re the greatest debater in the room? You act the part and tell him you’re the greatest debater in the room. Strategy is the key word you will need to go about that in the correct way. Therefore on Tuesday world champion Michael Shapira gave a workshop on strategy in debating in the rooms of the Debating Society Mainz (Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg, aka Club Gutenberg). Interested debaters from Marburg, Heidelberg, Wiesbaden, Mannheim and (erstwhile) Halle attended to improve their English debating skills or just to have a good chat (over ...
14. April 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Neues aus den Clubs | Kommentare deaktiviert für „Are you willing to sacrifice the lamb?” Michael Shapira talks strategy with DCJG

Stockholm IV

Stockholm IVDas erste, schwedische Debattierturnier, das Stockholm IV, wird vom 10. - 12. Mai in der schwedischen Kapitale stattfinden. Das Team-Cap ist 48, die Teilnehmerbeitrag beträgt 45 Euro pro Person, es gilt n-1 für Juroren. CAs sind Michael Shapira, Frederick Cowell and Ben Gladnikoff.  Sie gestalten die Themen für fünf Runden, Halbfinale und Finale. Möglicherweise gibt es eine ESL-Break. Mehr Informationen gibt es auf dieser Website. fpu
29. März 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Termine | Mit einem Kommentar

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